• virus inactivation
  • stabilizes RNA
  • stabilizes DNA
  • stabilizes antigen
  • direct PCR compatible
DRDP™ is a universal virus-inactivating medium intended for the collection and transport of upper respiratory specimens (saliva, nasal swabs) for in vitro diagnostic testing on the presence of antigens or genetic material (i.e. viral RNA, human RNA/DNA).

DRDP™ can be used in quick antigen lateral flow tests, and in molecular methods such as (RT-)qPCR.
DRDP™ can be suitable for direct PCR in your specific test system upon validation (i.e. no extraction and/or purification needed).

performance information

  • complete inactivation of viruses within 60 minutes
  • stabilization of DNA / RNA up to 8 days after collection when stored between 2-25°C, resistance to repeated freeze/thaw cycles
  • antigen preservation for up to 24 hours, compatible with a broad range of quick antigen lateral flow tests after neutralization of pH
  • suitable for direct PCR in your specific test system upon validation (more details in the instructions for use)

Virus inactivation

Validation study comprised the following viruses, all of them were completely inactivated:

complete inactivation
RNA viruses MERS-CoV SARS-CoV-2 bovine RSV virus H5N1
DNA viruses monkey pox vaccinia

RNA / DNA stabilization

Validation study demonstrated the following stability for the indicated targets:

nasal swab saliva
Assay / storage temperature 4°C 25°C 4°C 25°C
Human DNA (GADPH, RSP18) 8 days 8 days 8 days 8 days
Human RNA (CALR, TEMED2) 8 days 8 days 8 days 8 days
Viral RNA (SARS-CoV-2 viral particles) 8 days 2 days 8 days Not determined

Antigen preservation

Experiments have demonstrated that DRDPTM preserves antigens for at least 24h. To this end, commercially available quick antigen lateral flow tests were loaded with DRDPTM with or without clinical matrix and with or without SARS-CoV-2 spiking. pH was neutralized as described in the instructions for use leaflet. A clear signal was obtained in Test (T) and Control (C) strips at time 0 and after 24h.

positive negative
Newgene (SUNGO Europe BV) time = 0 time = 24 h time = 0 time = 24 h
matrix replicated control test control test control test control test
no matrix 1 + + + + + - + -
2 + + + +
3 + + + +
nasal swab 1 + + + + + - + -
2 + + + +
3 + + + +
saliva 1 + + + + + - + -
2 + + + +
3 + + + +


International Journal of Molecular Sciences

Assessment of DNA/RNA Defend Pro: an inactivating sample collection buffer for enhanced stability, extraction-free PCR, and rapid antigen testing of nasopharyngeal swab samples., Claeys et al., 2024


Evaluation of a novel respiratory virus inactivating buffer for parallel RT-qPCR and quick antigen testing., Deprez et al., 2024

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